We believe that unity and maturity in the body of Christ will become reality when we release the diversity of gifts outlined in God’s Word. Through the Love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit gifts are given to all of us as we completely surrender to His Kingdom and His Will.
Mission and Core Values
To pursue the manifest presence of God so that in the life of every believer and corporately through His Body; salvation, restoration and transformation becomes the daily demonstration of His Kingdom and Will being done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Core Values
We pursue and protect what we value, so when our value system aligns with Heaven, our lives become an active demonstration of the Spirit-powered life Christ died to give us.
The presence of God drives us to intimacy, not just proximity.
When we value His presence more than anything, we find IDENTITY: Revelation that God is a GOOD Father who restores identity, Jesus as a Friend who recovers intimacy, and the Holy Spirit as a companion who releases inspiration. Then we find that we are significant, created in HIS IMAGE, empowered with HIS AUTHORITY to advance HIS KINGDOM into all spheres of influence.
A family that is in LOVE with God and then demonstrates His Love every day.
When we value people over programs and realize that they must belong to something before they really believe, this understanding creates an opportunity that fulfills the mandate of Jesus to go into all the world and actually make disciples. Community isn’t built on Sunday or in the church facility but each and every day as we live our lives empowered by the Holy Spirit who lives within and upon us.
Kingdom Culture:
The Supernatural domain of Heaven on Earth.
When we value His Kingdom, we don’t accept anything less than the authority of that Kingdom, which is revealed through His Church in every sphere of influence. Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us keys to His Kingdom that release the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer that His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Though there is an enemy who has a mission to kill, steal, and destroy, God's Kingdom has come so that we may have LIFE and LIFE more ABUNDANT.
What We Believe
The Holy Spirit is equal to the Father and the Son of God. He is present and active in the world to reveal our need for Jesus Christ and to lead us into all Truth who is Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation to give us wisdom to journey through life, empower us to walk in the impossible, and the strength to respond in joy and peace no matter life’s circumstances.
It is fundamental to understand that the Father is Good and that it is His Goodness that leads us to salvation. The Bible tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good and seeing God in any other light distorts who He really is.
Salvation is a free gift from God to mankind because it could never be obtained through self-improvement or good works. Only through faith, trusting in Jesus as God’s offer of forgiveness can we be saved from the penalty of sin. Eternal life begins the moment we receive by faith Jesus Christ into our lives.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus voluntarily emptied himself of his deity and lived a sinless human life. He offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for all sins by dying on the cross. He rose from the dead in three days to demonstrate power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven’s glory and released His authority to all who believe in Him.
The Bible is God’s Word to mankind. It was written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit as God’s perfect truth without error. It is our Divine source of TRUTH by which we live life and respond to all of life’s issues. God’s Word never fails as He watches over it in order to ensure that it happens.
We believe that the Holy Spirit has gifts to give every believer that empower supernatural ability and that we should produce spiritual fruit as evidence of our Spirit filled life.
We believe that everyone will stand someday before the judgment seat of God where we will receive external life or death. Heaven is the eternal home of born-again believers where we experience the presence of God in its fullness and hell a place of eternal torment for the devil, his angels and all those that reject Christ as Savior.
God is the creator and ruler of the universe. He has always existed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are co-equal and are one God.